Thursday 19 September 2013

Sweet Gardenia Rose...Large Embellished Picture

The noise from the building site next door during the day...and the sounds of the fair across the river during the evenings...hasn't really been the best working environment...and it finally caught up with me...

One migraine later...

Mr C thought it would be good for me to have some time out and took me to the cinema. Nice little romantic comedy? Something light and easy to watch?


'Rush'. All about formula 1 driving. With some scenes not for the faint-hearted... Crashes... Injuries... All with the sound of the car engines blaring and revving away. Just what a girl wants to see when she's feeling weak and wobbly!

That said...I absolutely recommend it. A great story...not your average Hollywood one...with some great 1970's fashion!

I did manage to add a couple of new products to my between more calls from the estate its an early night for me so I can get up early and get the listings finished.

Sweet Gardenia Rose...Large Embellished Picture

And...I got a couple of lovely texts from Mrs W today to say she was very happy with her birthday presents!

Her Husband bought her one of my large embellished pictures.

Sweet Gardenia Rose...Large Embellished Picture

A one-off individual piece of art.

Little pink sequins were sewn onto the heart between the birds.

These little chaps are featured on my website.

Her Mum and Sister bought her a she just has to choose which one she is going to have!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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