Thursday 12 September 2013

Sentimental Placemats

A shopping trip with my Mum was the order of the day today...

I went in search for more Christmas material. I couldn't find any yesterday...although I did buy some fabulous funky and floral material that will work perfectly with my designs...current and planned.

Better luck today...I found some beautiful material. Perfect. Some vintage ribbon. Shiny threads. And a tool to make bias binding. I want to get making more bunting!

We had a good mooch around the shops and market before finding a village pub for lunch. Found some great Christmas present and stocking fillers.

I know...its only September and I'm already planning for Christmas...but I'm now on the other side and realise how early on in the year you need to start preparing for it!

Years ago my Mum was on a shopping trip with my Grandma. They found some pre-printed placemats for me.

My Grandma had taught me how to embroider decorative borders. I thought the placemats would be a great project to try out the drawn thread technique.

You pull out rows of threads out of the material...see the photo above. You then wrap cotton around the remaining threads to give this pretty finish...

After pulling the threads on all six placemats...I discovered a flaw...the pre-printed design didn't align with the weave of the material. My embroidery would have looked wonky against the design. Very frustrating! Back in my project draw the placemats went...for a long long time... There is nothing like a 365 day challenge to spur you into action!

Last weekend I set to and machine embroidered the edging instead. A much easier way to work with the material and design!

Once I had finished stitching around all the edges I cut the the material very closely to the stitching to give each mat a wavy decorative finish.

I now...finally...have six pretty placemats I can use. Perseverance has paid off!

Yesterday my friend gave me this sign for my birthday. So true!

"A Single Dream can launch the journey of a lifetime".

I thought I would share some more signs I have hanging in my studio.

One from my sister...

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away".

"Follow your heart anything is possible".

"Sunshine always follows the rain".

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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