Saturday 21 September 2013

A Reindeer Jumper

Another trip to the fair today...this time with my Mum, sister and nieces.

I fulfilled my auntie duties and went on a few rides with a very excited Miss M and Miss H...then a few more rides! I had the best time.

Then back home to cook tea for Mr C who was on day shift today. No fair for him as he's on call. A night in watching films instead.

Here's my make for the day...a reindeer jumper.

A couple of years ago a work colleague was going out for (a lot of) drinks with his football team buddies.

They decided they would all go out with Christmas jumpers on.

I said I would decorate his jumper for him.

I found a picture of Rudolph on the internet to use as a template.

I made the face out of felt and satin stitched around the pieces.

I did the same for lettering of his football team on the back.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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