Wednesday 4 September 2013

Sweet Gardenia Rose...A Mischievous Birdie on a Draft Excluder...

Just when I thought I had finally finished editing all my photos...

I go to upload some photos for my blog...and...find at least two more folders...

I think I need to get the editing under control otherwise I'm in danger of being swallowed up whole by the computer if I sit here much longer!! Determination has been the name of the game to get it finished!

Sweet Gardenia Rose...Draft Excluder

Here's one of my draft excluders that will be available in my shop very soon!

Sweet Gardenia Rose...Draft Excluder

I love the contrast of the blue and red on the brown corduroy.

When I looked at this close-up I noticed the birdie on the left has quite a mischievous look on his face!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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