Tuesday 10 September 2013

A Santa with a Heart

Mr C is cooking for me tonight...

I'm under strict instructions to keep out the kitchen (after I've done all the prep work!)...and sit down and watch TV while he does the cooking. What girl is going to question that order???

While he's doing the cooking...and I'm watching a program about cooking...just to make me more hungry...

I thought I would share with you the first Christmas present I made for Mr C.

A Santa from Tilda's 'Crafting Christmas Gifts' book.

I loved making him. I think it was the first Tilda pattern I had made.

He has a little heart in his jacket pocket...which has white stitching around the edge.
You know when you give something...and you're holding onto the present...not really wanting to give it away...you would much rather keep it for yourself...hmm...I had that feeling. So...somehow...rather naughtily...Santa has found his way back into my home :)

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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