Friday 20 September 2013

Snowman in a Jar

I made a new product for my shop today...a peg bag.  And...even if I do say's very cute! Photos to follow very soon.

After a morning spent sewing I drove over to Mrs W's for a planning session. We wanted to plan which events we want to attend in the next 12 months.

Although our businesses are not the same...working together means we can bounce ideas around and support each other. Sometimes it's a tad lonely working away by yourself all day...

After work we went to Westward Ho! for a walk along the sea front then had a coffee in a local bar overlooking the sea.

p.s. take a look at Mrs W's beautiful jewellery at Hey Jules!.

Then back this view of the fair from my front room.

Back in The Penguin's Nose...I showed you a penguin I had made for my friend...Mrs H.

It was pictured with another penguin in a jar that I had made for myself.

I thought it was time he got a share of the limelight!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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