Sunday 8 September 2013

A Woolen Dry Ball

I read an article recently...

If you use a woolen 'Dry Ball' in your tumble dryer it will cause friction against your washing to make it soft and cut down on static.

I thought it was a great idea. Cheaper...and more environmentally friendly. No manufactured fragrances and packaging. I prefer handmade and natural products...if possible...

I prefer not to use the tumble dryer in the first place...but one communal rotary washing line between twelve flats means an early morning race to the line if the weather is good! Plus the line is right next to all house and garden waste bins. Not the most appealing place to dry your washing!

You can make your own 'Dry Ball'. You will need to make it with pure wool as it has to felt.

Basically you wind the wool into a it in a pair of tights or pop sock...tie the tights...then put in a hot wash then tumble dry so the wool felts. You can find the instructions on the internet...which I would advise you to do so you don't end up with a tangled mass of washing and wool on your hands!

I used a ball of wool I already had. You can use scraps of wool or recycle an old wool jumper if you have one.

Here's my finished Dry Ball. Its the size of a tennis ball. Not sure if mine has felted enough yet... I guess over time it will.

You can use essential oils to make your washing smell all lovely. My favourite is Geranium....which I've just read helps reduce cellulite.. though probably not by sleeping in geranium scented sheets...

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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