Wednesday 25 September 2013

A Christmas Hamper...part 2 hair is shorter...and blonder! And I can now share my news with you...

A new shop is opening in town...Furniture Magpie...and my collection will be sold in there!

I had a meeting with Sam this morning to finalise everything. Tomorrow I will be arranging my stock in the shop all ready for the grand opening on Friday. Bunting...doorstops...draft bags.

Here's the link to her website... Furniture Magpie . Sam does the most amazing up-cycled furniture. There's some great retro pieces in the shop. Our displays were next to each other at the North Devon Show. There was so much interest in her work. I know the shop is going to be a great success for her.

On the front page of her website you will see an advert for my collection. Things are getting exciting!!

For my local readers...the shop is in Boutport Street. Number 48. As you walk up the street from The will find it on the right hand side about half way up the street.

As a double whammy for me...this is a shop that I have loved since a teenager when I first moved to Barnstaple. The old fashioned curved glass front window is quaint and beautiful. It just caught my imagination. So the fact that my work will be displayed in the window and shop is special. Must be kismet!

After both appointments...and a shopping expedition to buy display shelving for my events in November...boxes to organise my production line...a quick visit to my Mum...I just about had time to complete an application form for another event...edit some photos...and have my tea cooked for me by the lovely Mr C...before spending the evening with one of my best friends. It was supposed to be a work evening... but by the time her little boy had told me all about his new school and we had caught was time to get myself home to write. Maybe next Wednesday night we'll get our work done??

The very same friend is the one who put together my hamper last Christmas.

Last night I showed you some of the goodies...pastries...biscuits...home-made pate...chocolates...

She also made home-made Irish Liqueur. Melted toffee in a bottle. Delicious!! Aloe Vera plant. For 3-6 months she had been nurturing these little plants to give as presents. Such a thoughtful gift.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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