Monday 16 September 2013

Covered Buttons...part3

A day of two halves today...

First looking into cheaper postal options...then working on my Christmas line and new nursery line.

In the afternoon trips to the Estate Agents with Mr C...calls to Estate Agents...and our first viewing booked for tomorrow morning! In...the block of flats I already live! That would be quite an easy move! For me anyway.

Then back in time for a visit from my sister...a trip to see my nieces and my Mum...then off to order material from a local supplier...before going back home to cook Mr C his tea to celebrate taking the first steps to moving home.

Looking back I guess that's quite a lot. I just feel I have nothing to show for my time. Not yet anyway.

Hmm...I feel I need some help from Wonder Woman! HaHa. That would be quite a sight...sewing away on my machine...wearing a Wonder Woman costume.

Back down to earth...and back to my button box...

Here's some more covered buttons I go with a blouse... I decided not to make. I started with the buttons as they're so easy to do.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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