Sunday 15 September 2013

Covered Buttons...part 2

The Fair has arrived in town!

I just hope the weather improves so it and the carnival are not a's been wet and windy all day.

Me and Mr C decided to stay in the warm and watch films...starting with 'Those Magnificent Men in their Flying Machines'. Old and of it's time...but so funny in places, with quite a cast.

Then off he went to get ready for night shift...while I continued with the 'film fest' to keep me company while I finish cutting out material. I'm brimming with ideas...there's not enough hours in the day to get everything done!

Covered buttons again...plain green ones...for a jacket...which I've actually finished...but decided to put different buttons on.

I said I would share some of my photos of Berlin. It's almost a month that Mr C and me went! Here's a whistle-stop tour of the city...

The Brandenburg Gate

On the first evening we went for a walk around the search of a restaurant...but we got so caught up with looking at all the sites we didn't get to eat until really late.

Part of the Berlin Wall

'No More Walls...No More War'

Mr C and me were so deep in conversation on the train journey back to the hotel we missed our quite a few stops!! 12.40 in the morning we were waiting for a train...back to our stop...

Berlin Cathedral

The next day we were up early for a walking tour of the city.

Garden...Museum Island

Four hours later...I was very glad of my new walking boots!

The East German Appelman

The East German Appelman...they wear hats!

I never realised how much psychology went into the design of traffic lights...and how important the little figures are to our different cultures.

If you want to read's the link to info on Wikipedia...The Appelman

Pedal Power!

Mr C was quite taken by this...a mobile bar...


After walking for four hours...we needed to re-fuel.

Passion fruit frozen yogurt...with a little of everything...muesli...nuts...fruit...and sweets.

Owl Statue

I knew there was a reason I lost us down the side we could find this cute little fella! Just sat outside a building surrounded by lavender.

Charlottenburg Palace

After we worked out where we were...ahem...we headed off to Charlottenburg Palace for a wander around the gardens.

Mosiac...Pergamon Museum

The next day...while Mr C went to soak up more history and visit the studio where U2 recorded Achtung Baby...I went to visit the Pergamon Museum on Museum Island.

Gates of Babylon...Pergamon Museum

The reason for my visit...The Gates Of Babylon.

Gates of Babylon...Pergamon Museum

I love the colours of the brickwork.

Hmm...I have just the right blues and orange coloured material...I may have to incorporate them in my designs!

Persian Carpet...Pergamon Museum

The museum has a great collection of Persian carpets...intricately carved panels and stonework...statues...mosaics...a Roman forum. I would have happily spent more time there.

War Memorial Neue Wache...Berlin

Sometimes a piece of artwork speaks to you...and this statue in the War Memorial Neue Wache spoke to me. It is beautiful and thoughtful.

It is of a Mother and her dead Son.

It sits under an oculus so that it's exposed to the weather...sun...rain...or...snow to symbolise the suffering of civilians during the war.

War Memorial Neue Wache...Berlin

I visited her three a 3 day visit...

I should imagine to see snow falling on the statue would be quite beautiful and poignant.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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