Saturday 28 September 2013

Handmade Cake Decorations

What a day! A great day...but a long and tiring day!

First pick my Mum up from the other side of town...then off to the fabric factory (via my home because I had left my phone behind...with my shopping list on it! It was one of those mornings...I had already gone back 3 times...checking I had turned my hair straighteners off etc...).

I found some fabulous fabric...perfect for my winter collection. Really sumptuous material.

Then onto the Stitch, Sew & Hobbycrafts show at Westpoint, Exeter. A great selection of different craft stalls this year...and a great atmosphere. Even though we arrived midday on the last day of the show it was still packed with people.

I met some lovely stall holders too, whom I'll happily go back to for supplies again. Oh...did I buy supplies! I was very good though and stuck to my shopping list.

I struck lucky and found materials that complement the ones I got at the fabric factory. I found felt...buttons...ribbon... All prettily bundled up and packaged. I think a photo is needed of all my goodies! I cannot wait to get sewing!

Exhausted after hours of walking round the stalls...we drove over to Dart Farm Park for a much needed cup of tea and some early Christmas shopping. I picked up some good ideas for displays too!

Back to Mum's to watch Strictly Come Dancing...and finally catch up with my sister, her fiance, and my nieces. They went to the fabric factory...and to Westpoint. Did we see them? Nope! It was that busy we completely missed each other! And my sister takes some missing with her bright pink hair!

After watching 'Strictly' we had 'Show and Tell' to show all the goodies we had got today...

My nieces were given these gorgeous handmade sugar crafted cake decorations made by Ann Pickard.

They visited Ann's stall last year and have been so inspired by her work they've now got their own tools and often make decorations for home and school projects. They're buzzing with ideas to make one of Ann's Fantasy Castle cakes. I think the castle will need a's so cute!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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