Thursday 26 September 2013

First Retail Outlet to stock the Sweet Gardenia Rose collection!

Another busy day...

I've applied to attend the South Molton 'Art Bazaar' on 29th November. I'll let you know when I've received confirmation and further information.

Then...I took my stock over to Furniture Magpie to set up my display ready for the grand opening tomorrow.

Sweet Gardenia Rose @ Furniture Magpie's my make of the day...the very first retail outlet to stock the Sweet Gardenia Rose collection!

I'm really pleased with my display and think it complements Sam's furniture perfectly. You will find cushions, doorstops, draft excluders, pictures and bunting.

If you're local go along and see the shop. It looks great! Here's the link to her website...Furniture Magpie.

Until tomorrow (the day of the grand opening!),
Nic xx

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