Monday 30 September 2013

Homemade Cakes and Quiches

The lovely Mr C turned up today to make me lunch...

Perfect timing as I was so busy putting away all my purchases from Saturday I had lost track of time.

I took photos of everything so I can keep a record of my stock. Maybe that's my OCD coming into play... but I want to know where to re-order my materials...and I visited a lot of stalls to keep track of!

When I turned up on Saturday morning to collect my Mum to take her to the Craft Show...I found she had been busy baking.

I was given a load of goodies to keep me fed for the next few days...

Quiche Lorraine's...

Raspberry Jam & Coconut Tarts...

...Lemon Drizzle Cake...

...and Banana Bread. Yummy!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Sunday 29 September 2013

A Sparkly Card of Congratulations

Not the most exciting start to the day...

Sorting out the garage! I'm getting ready for the big move.

The evening got much better...Mr C and me went to friends for tea. Lovely!

When I launched my business I was given this beautiful card by a friend.

I need to find a frame for it. Its so pretty...and my favourite colours!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Saturday 28 September 2013

Handmade Cake Decorations

What a day! A great day...but a long and tiring day!

First pick my Mum up from the other side of town...then off to the fabric factory (via my home because I had left my phone behind...with my shopping list on it! It was one of those mornings...I had already gone back 3 times...checking I had turned my hair straighteners off etc...).

I found some fabulous fabric...perfect for my winter collection. Really sumptuous material.

Then onto the Stitch, Sew & Hobbycrafts show at Westpoint, Exeter. A great selection of different craft stalls this year...and a great atmosphere. Even though we arrived midday on the last day of the show it was still packed with people.

I met some lovely stall holders too, whom I'll happily go back to for supplies again. Oh...did I buy supplies! I was very good though and stuck to my shopping list.

I struck lucky and found materials that complement the ones I got at the fabric factory. I found felt...buttons...ribbon... All prettily bundled up and packaged. I think a photo is needed of all my goodies! I cannot wait to get sewing!

Exhausted after hours of walking round the stalls...we drove over to Dart Farm Park for a much needed cup of tea and some early Christmas shopping. I picked up some good ideas for displays too!

Back to Mum's to watch Strictly Come Dancing...and finally catch up with my sister, her fiance, and my nieces. They went to the fabric factory...and to Westpoint. Did we see them? Nope! It was that busy we completely missed each other! And my sister takes some missing with her bright pink hair!

After watching 'Strictly' we had 'Show and Tell' to show all the goodies we had got today...

My nieces were given these gorgeous handmade sugar crafted cake decorations made by Ann Pickard.

They visited Ann's stall last year and have been so inspired by her work they've now got their own tools and often make decorations for home and school projects. They're buzzing with ideas to make one of Ann's Fantasy Castle cakes. I think the castle will need a's so cute!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Friday 27 September 2013

Sweet Gardenia Rose...Square Cushion

A mixed day of sentimental memories and excitement today...

Starting with a visit to the cemetery. Family and close friends said a fond farewell to Mr C's Dad as we interred his ashes...on a beautiful September's a peaceful place with a lovely view of Barnstaple. Rest in peace Mr C Senior x

We all went to a local hotel for a cream tea afterwards...the second one of the week...I really need to get back into running at this rate!! It was so nice to take some time out to relax and be with Mr C's family and friends.

Then a visit to Sam's shop to see how her first day of trading went. Brilliantly! Sales and lots of interest!

She's had lots on interest in my collection too...and lots of questions. So next week I'm going to spend a couple of days working in the shop so I can meet my customers. If anyone wants to say hello please'll find me in the back of the shop doing preparation work! I'll let you know in the next couple of days when I'll be there.

Sweet Gardenia Rose...Square Cushion

Until's a square cushion from my collection that's available to buy in Furniture Magpie.

Four little birds...ready to fly to their new home.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Thursday 26 September 2013

First Retail Outlet to stock the Sweet Gardenia Rose collection!

Another busy day...

I've applied to attend the South Molton 'Art Bazaar' on 29th November. I'll let you know when I've received confirmation and further information.

Then...I took my stock over to Furniture Magpie to set up my display ready for the grand opening tomorrow.

Sweet Gardenia Rose @ Furniture Magpie's my make of the day...the very first retail outlet to stock the Sweet Gardenia Rose collection!

I'm really pleased with my display and think it complements Sam's furniture perfectly. You will find cushions, doorstops, draft excluders, pictures and bunting.

If you're local go along and see the shop. It looks great! Here's the link to her website...Furniture Magpie.

Until tomorrow (the day of the grand opening!),
Nic xx

Wednesday 25 September 2013

A Christmas Hamper...part 2 hair is shorter...and blonder! And I can now share my news with you...

A new shop is opening in town...Furniture Magpie...and my collection will be sold in there!

I had a meeting with Sam this morning to finalise everything. Tomorrow I will be arranging my stock in the shop all ready for the grand opening on Friday. Bunting...doorstops...draft bags.

Here's the link to her website... Furniture Magpie . Sam does the most amazing up-cycled furniture. There's some great retro pieces in the shop. Our displays were next to each other at the North Devon Show. There was so much interest in her work. I know the shop is going to be a great success for her.

On the front page of her website you will see an advert for my collection. Things are getting exciting!!

For my local readers...the shop is in Boutport Street. Number 48. As you walk up the street from The will find it on the right hand side about half way up the street.

As a double whammy for me...this is a shop that I have loved since a teenager when I first moved to Barnstaple. The old fashioned curved glass front window is quaint and beautiful. It just caught my imagination. So the fact that my work will be displayed in the window and shop is special. Must be kismet!

After both appointments...and a shopping expedition to buy display shelving for my events in November...boxes to organise my production line...a quick visit to my Mum...I just about had time to complete an application form for another event...edit some photos...and have my tea cooked for me by the lovely Mr C...before spending the evening with one of my best friends. It was supposed to be a work evening... but by the time her little boy had told me all about his new school and we had caught was time to get myself home to write. Maybe next Wednesday night we'll get our work done??

The very same friend is the one who put together my hamper last Christmas.

Last night I showed you some of the goodies...pastries...biscuits...home-made pate...chocolates...

She also made home-made Irish Liqueur. Melted toffee in a bottle. Delicious!! Aloe Vera plant. For 3-6 months she had been nurturing these little plants to give as presents. Such a thoughtful gift.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Tuesday 24 September 2013

A Christmas Hamper...part 1

A quiet day today...

Unfortunately all the driving and lifting yesterday impacted on my whiplash injury. One painful head, neck and back later... I guess from now on I will have to ask for help when it comes to loading and unloading my car...very frustrating.

To make myself feel better I've booked a hair appointment for tomorrow afternoon...I am having my hair cut short! And I will have some exciting news to this space!

Last Christmas my friend made a hamper for me.

Here it is sat underneath my Christmas tree...all wrapped up very prettily.

It was jam-packed with goodies...

...starting with a star shaped pastry and a gingerbread biscuit decoration to hang in my tree (it didn't get that far...yummy!).

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Monday 23 September 2013

A Felt Christmas Cookie

I had to drive up to Bristol today for supplies...

So I took my Mum with me so we could have a day out. I wanted to take her to a great material shop my friend had taken me to before. You can get lost in there...there is so much material to choose from. She loved it. I suspect she'll be coming with me on the next trip!

After lunch we went in search of picture frames. I found some gorgeous little silver frames that will show my designs off perfectly! Great little stocking fillers. Guess who will be up early sewing!

Here's my make of the day...a felt Christmas cookie.

It's part of the same collection as A Christmas Tree...Christmas Tree Decoration, and An Embroidered Christmas Stocking.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Sunday 22 September 2013

A Christmas Tree

Mr C had a rare few hours off call from fire and rescue we took the opportunity to get out of town.

We went to one of my favourite places...Watersmeet...for a walk along the river... the hamlet of Rockford... sit outside the Rockford Inn for a drink and quick rest...

...before heading back across the bridge and along the river... The National Trust cafe...for a cream tea. It just HAS to be done...they do the BEST cream tea! didn't last very long...I forgot to take a photo of it!

Then back Mr C is on night shift tonight so had to get ready for work...which left me with an evening free :)

Keeping with the nature's my make of the day...A Christmas Tree.

It's a Tilda inspired tree...from the 'Crafting Christmas Gifts' book.

It fits perfectly in my pot from A Fiery Experience...part 1.

Instead of sewing hearts onto the branches...I sewed little red beads onto each holly berry of the material.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Saturday 21 September 2013

A Reindeer Jumper

Another trip to the fair today...this time with my Mum, sister and nieces.

I fulfilled my auntie duties and went on a few rides with a very excited Miss M and Miss H...then a few more rides! I had the best time.

Then back home to cook tea for Mr C who was on day shift today. No fair for him as he's on call. A night in watching films instead.

Here's my make for the day...a reindeer jumper.

A couple of years ago a work colleague was going out for (a lot of) drinks with his football team buddies.

They decided they would all go out with Christmas jumpers on.

I said I would decorate his jumper for him.

I found a picture of Rudolph on the internet to use as a template.

I made the face out of felt and satin stitched around the pieces.

I did the same for lettering of his football team on the back.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Friday 20 September 2013

Snowman in a Jar

I made a new product for my shop today...a peg bag.  And...even if I do say's very cute! Photos to follow very soon.

After a morning spent sewing I drove over to Mrs W's for a planning session. We wanted to plan which events we want to attend in the next 12 months.

Although our businesses are not the same...working together means we can bounce ideas around and support each other. Sometimes it's a tad lonely working away by yourself all day...

After work we went to Westward Ho! for a walk along the sea front then had a coffee in a local bar overlooking the sea.

p.s. take a look at Mrs W's beautiful jewellery at Hey Jules!.

Then back this view of the fair from my front room.

Back in The Penguin's Nose...I showed you a penguin I had made for my friend...Mrs H.

It was pictured with another penguin in a jar that I had made for myself.

I thought it was time he got a share of the limelight!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Thursday 19 September 2013

Sweet Gardenia Rose...Large Embellished Picture

The noise from the building site next door during the day...and the sounds of the fair across the river during the evenings...hasn't really been the best working environment...and it finally caught up with me...

One migraine later...

Mr C thought it would be good for me to have some time out and took me to the cinema. Nice little romantic comedy? Something light and easy to watch?


'Rush'. All about formula 1 driving. With some scenes not for the faint-hearted... Crashes... Injuries... All with the sound of the car engines blaring and revving away. Just what a girl wants to see when she's feeling weak and wobbly!

That said...I absolutely recommend it. A great story...not your average Hollywood one...with some great 1970's fashion!

I did manage to add a couple of new products to my between more calls from the estate its an early night for me so I can get up early and get the listings finished.

Sweet Gardenia Rose...Large Embellished Picture

And...I got a couple of lovely texts from Mrs W today to say she was very happy with her birthday presents!

Her Husband bought her one of my large embellished pictures.

Sweet Gardenia Rose...Large Embellished Picture

A one-off individual piece of art.

Little pink sequins were sewn onto the heart between the birds.

These little chaps are featured on my website.

Her Mum and Sister bought her a she just has to choose which one she is going to have!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Sweet Gardenia Rose...Bunting

My website is now updated!

I've added photos of new products and my stalls at the events I've attended. I can see my progress in a few months...and how much stock I now have. Take a look and let me know what you think.

Just need to get the shop are edited and waiting...postal costs researched...descriptions written. Hopefully it won't take too long tomorrow to get done.

I've finished my designs for another new product too...peg bags. They should be ready in the next week or so. Watch this space!

Got a viewing booked for another house tomorrow...though probably a non-starter as it looks like it will be furnished. There is not a chance the owner's, mine and Mr C's furniture will fit under one roof!

I've even managed to take some time out today...and went to the fair! I went with a friend and her little boy. It was his first trip to the we just had to go on the dodgems and walk home eating candy floss!

Sweet Gardenia Rose...Bunting

Here's a sneak peak at my bunting. I wanted to go for a very classical look. It will be on sale in my Etsy tomorrow!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Sweet Gardenia Rose...Tablecloth

Well, me and Mr C had our first property viewing today...

The flat on the floor above mine...across the stairwell. With an extra bedroom...I'm running out of space in my studio for cutting out material...ironing...and stock!

It's a possibility...we've got a couple more line up to visit though.

The rest of the day...and evening...has been spent...absolutely...glued to my laptop...getting my website and shop updated. All will be finished by tomorrow.

Sweet Gardenia Rose...North Devon Show

In the's my make of the day.

The tablecloth I use at craft fairs.

I machine stitched the name of my shop onto the cloth...with my birds and heart design.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Monday 16 September 2013

Covered Buttons...part3

A day of two halves today...

First looking into cheaper postal options...then working on my Christmas line and new nursery line.

In the afternoon trips to the Estate Agents with Mr C...calls to Estate Agents...and our first viewing booked for tomorrow morning! In...the block of flats I already live! That would be quite an easy move! For me anyway.

Then back in time for a visit from my sister...a trip to see my nieces and my Mum...then off to order material from a local supplier...before going back home to cook Mr C his tea to celebrate taking the first steps to moving home.

Looking back I guess that's quite a lot. I just feel I have nothing to show for my time. Not yet anyway.

Hmm...I feel I need some help from Wonder Woman! HaHa. That would be quite a sight...sewing away on my machine...wearing a Wonder Woman costume.

Back down to earth...and back to my button box...

Here's some more covered buttons I go with a blouse... I decided not to make. I started with the buttons as they're so easy to do.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Sunday 15 September 2013

Covered Buttons...part 2

The Fair has arrived in town!

I just hope the weather improves so it and the carnival are not a's been wet and windy all day.

Me and Mr C decided to stay in the warm and watch films...starting with 'Those Magnificent Men in their Flying Machines'. Old and of it's time...but so funny in places, with quite a cast.

Then off he went to get ready for night shift...while I continued with the 'film fest' to keep me company while I finish cutting out material. I'm brimming with ideas...there's not enough hours in the day to get everything done!

Covered buttons again...plain green ones...for a jacket...which I've actually finished...but decided to put different buttons on.

I said I would share some of my photos of Berlin. It's almost a month that Mr C and me went! Here's a whistle-stop tour of the city...

The Brandenburg Gate

On the first evening we went for a walk around the search of a restaurant...but we got so caught up with looking at all the sites we didn't get to eat until really late.

Part of the Berlin Wall

'No More Walls...No More War'

Mr C and me were so deep in conversation on the train journey back to the hotel we missed our quite a few stops!! 12.40 in the morning we were waiting for a train...back to our stop...

Berlin Cathedral

The next day we were up early for a walking tour of the city.

Garden...Museum Island

Four hours later...I was very glad of my new walking boots!

The East German Appelman

The East German Appelman...they wear hats!

I never realised how much psychology went into the design of traffic lights...and how important the little figures are to our different cultures.

If you want to read's the link to info on Wikipedia...The Appelman

Pedal Power!

Mr C was quite taken by this...a mobile bar...


After walking for four hours...we needed to re-fuel.

Passion fruit frozen yogurt...with a little of everything...muesli...nuts...fruit...and sweets.

Owl Statue

I knew there was a reason I lost us down the side we could find this cute little fella! Just sat outside a building surrounded by lavender.

Charlottenburg Palace

After we worked out where we were...ahem...we headed off to Charlottenburg Palace for a wander around the gardens.

Mosiac...Pergamon Museum

The next day...while Mr C went to soak up more history and visit the studio where U2 recorded Achtung Baby...I went to visit the Pergamon Museum on Museum Island.

Gates of Babylon...Pergamon Museum

The reason for my visit...The Gates Of Babylon.

Gates of Babylon...Pergamon Museum

I love the colours of the brickwork.

Hmm...I have just the right blues and orange coloured material...I may have to incorporate them in my designs!

Persian Carpet...Pergamon Museum

The museum has a great collection of Persian carpets...intricately carved panels and stonework...statues...mosaics...a Roman forum. I would have happily spent more time there.

War Memorial Neue Wache...Berlin

Sometimes a piece of artwork speaks to you...and this statue in the War Memorial Neue Wache spoke to me. It is beautiful and thoughtful.

It is of a Mother and her dead Son.

It sits under an oculus so that it's exposed to the weather...sun...rain...or...snow to symbolise the suffering of civilians during the war.

War Memorial Neue Wache...Berlin

I visited her three a 3 day visit...

I should imagine to see snow falling on the statue would be quite beautiful and poignant.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx