Friday 1 November 2013

Sweet Gardenia Rose...Commission...part 1

Had a great day at Handmade St Anne's in Barnstaple today...

Meeting new customers...people who said they had just been looking at my products in Furniture Magpie (just round the corner!) of my blog readers (lovely to see you Ann!) of my person who said she wanted to fill her house with my collection!...and two lovely lovely little visitors, Miss M and Miss H, who came to give their Auntie a big hug. What a great way to start the day!

I also met a lovely family...with two little girls about the same ages as my nieces. The eldest likes to sew just like my eldest niece...she said she would start to read my hello to you!

I got asked again today about whether I am going to hold workshops. I have a few ideas...and have been doing some research. It's definitely something I want to start doing. In the new year. Once the 365 day challenge is finished!

When I was getting my business started and was putting my designs together, I was asked by a friend to make a cushion. It was to be a gift from her children to their Great Gran.

Sweet Gardenia Rose...Commission

I asked the children what their favourite colours are...then sewed little birds in those colours and sewed their names underneath.

It inspired me to make pieces in my collection that are one of a kind so you can own something individual and unique.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx


  1. Hello! Here I am, Lucy, back in Solihull, reading your blog as promised! I love it, it's so interesting. You make so many different projects, it's amazing and has inspired me to sew some more!

  2. Hi Lucy, what a lovely message to come home to after a three day event!
    So lovely to hear from you! I'm glad you're enjoying my blog.
    I'm really pleased I've inspired you, and, wow, that's a great compliment! Thank you. Would you send me a picture of one of your projects? I would love to see your sewing and be kept up-to-date with your progress.
