Tuesday 12 November 2013

A Norwegian Quilt

On Sunday morning I received an email from my friend in Norway...

With the answer to the question I posted on A Sampler...part 3. I reckon its right! Check the comments on the blog and see what you think.

I asked her to send me a photo of a dress I had made for her...which I'll share with you tomorrow, as first I want to share her latest project with you...

I love this quilt! The contrast of the dark floral colours against the brightness of the colours on the white panel is striking. I love all the curves too.

I'm looking forward to seeing it on my next visit. Long overdue...

Right...I best go now...looking at the quilt is making my mind go into creative overdrive and I'm starting to think of new projects...best finish what I've started first.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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