Wednesday 27 November 2013

Hawaiian Burnt Offerings...part 1

Today's make is a project in progress...which is what I feel like...I'm...learning...learning...learning!

I saw this material when I was browsing on the internet.

I think it's fabulous!

Not knowing what project I would use it for I just bought 1/2 metre...then would decide afterwards how to make the most of all the different scenes...surfing...


...erupting volcanoes...and waterfalls...

...and more dancing.

Here's my first attempt at the project I decided on...

...or should I say...unpicking my first attempt...

This was actually going to be my first blog post...but then I go with one of my first ever projects.

I wrote it all the way back in October last year. took me 3 months before I got the courage to hit 'publish'!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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