Wednesday 13 November 2013

Norwegian Blue Sundress

Hmmm...Blogger is being mischievous...and not uploading my photos... Not via my laptop. Not via my phone. I guess that's an appropriate end to what's been an unexpectedly emotional day.

I took some time out today so Mr C and me could spend some time together...which we the cinema. All day!

We started with...actually...lets start with the adverts. Life of Pi. Yippee...I'll get to see it on the big screen after all. Every Wednesday morning. Cheaper viewing and a free coffee. Great deal! Worth swallowing your pride and going with the Old Age Pensioner title...the Silver Screen!

Next advert...The Impossible. A film I've wanted to watch for a while...even though I know it will be an emotional one. The tears started spilling down my face just watching the advert. You see...I sponsor a little girl...not so little now as she's 14. Her photo sits on a shelf above my desk in my studio. She lives in the Philippines. I'm very happy to say I received an email from Save the Children yesterday to say the area she lives in hasn't been affected by the Typhoon. All the thoughts and prayers are with her, her family and everyone else affected by the disaster. And of course...being the girl of a Fire Fighter...with the emergency services who provide support. In any circumstance.

The Great Gatsby kept me distracted for a couple of hours. Beautiful costumes!

We just about managed to see daylight as we ran across the road for lunch (mango and passion-fruit cheesecake!!) then ran back again for the next film. This time...Philomena. What a remarkable lady. I may have dabbed my eyes a few times... Even Mr C...the hardened Fire Fighter...was moved. Not quite to tears. Not far from I suspect...

Then we went back to the main desk to collect our 3D spectacles to watch...Gravity. Amazing special effects! No tears this time...just edge of your seat tension. I ducked at one part when debris started flying at us out the screen!

Then back home to do some sewing. This time to finish some of my birdie cushions. Which I'm pretty pleased with if I do say so myself! Gorgeous winter colours.

Well...I'll have to upload my photos tomorrow. They're of the dress I made for my friend in Norway. Who inspired me to sponsor a child in the first place.

Be safe, sleep well.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Here you go...the photos are uploading again...Blogger is behaving itself again...

The dress I made is the one on the left...

Beautifully modelled by Miss N of Norway herself!

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