Sunday 3 November 2013

A Crocheted Draft Excluder

A quiet day at Handmade St Anne's today...

I think the bad weather put people off. Not surprised...I got caught in a hailstorm when I was walking over to the hall this morning. I was wet and windswept by the time I arrived!

It may have been quiet but I still made some sales. My Christmas Cards seem to be going down a treat. I'm so pleased as I love the designs...and the materials I've used. I think I best get making some more ready for my next events.

I've got more events lined up for the rest of the month and beginning of December. Both me and Jules of Hey Jules! have been asked to attend the late night Christmas shopping event in the Barnstaple Pannier Market. Why? Because our products are so unique! Wow, what a great compliment!

We're both at the National Trust's Arlington Court Christmas Fair in two weeks time...and we're planning a couple of home events. Plus I'm at the South Molton Art Bazaar at the end of the month. It's going to be a busy time!

I'll be updating my website tomorrow with all the details...and updating my Facebook page...sadly neglected in the past few weeks as I've been so busy designing and making.

Worth it though...I've had so many compliments about my collection the past few days...and a great big kiss and hug off my Mum when she came to visit my stall today with little Miss H...who entertained us all with her Strictly Come Dancing routines. My youngest niece is a live-wire!

After the event Jules, Mr W, Miss Y, me and Mr C all went for a drink to relax.

You was the biggest decision to leave behind my professional career in law, marketing and management...but if I hadn't I never would have met some of the best people I have in my life now...and have the time to spend with them and my family. As they say...everything happens for a reason :)

Then back home to sit by the fire and watch TV for a change.

The Draft Excluder is back out...the cold weather has definitely set in.

My Grandma crocheted this blanket. She probably didn't intend for it to stop the draft in my flat!

This year I've tied it together with pink ribbon...easier to move each time I open and close the door.

Hmm...I really need to buy one of those pretty Draft Excluders that Sweet Gardenia Rose sells...I wonder where I could buy one?? ;)

I was told a couple of days ago I should sell loads of Draft Excluders this year as the government have just recommended people use them to make their homes more energy efficient. I best get finishing my new designs...all in gorgeous warm winter colours!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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