Friday 22 November 2013

A Rose of Red & White...part 1

It's been all about the pictures today...

...little ones...small ones...medium ones...and one large one...with a Christmas theme. Got to finish that one in a moment.

Then a few hanging decorations finished...and my frames arrived of Mr C's best friend. Lovely shiny silver frames!

In a A Reversible Fireguard! I showed you the tapestry my Grandma did for the fireguard my Great Grandad made....

Here's a picture of the tapestry I'm doing that will go in the back of the guard to make it reversible and show both of our work.

There isn't too much more to do it. That's what I tell myself anyway...just hours of filling in the gaps with gold thread...oh...and the face of the second lady. Best do that too!

Tomorrow I'll show you the bottom of the picture.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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