Sunday 17 November 2013

Sweet Gardenia Rose...Hanging Hearts


My day started with me opening my front door to find a naughty little girl poking her tongue out at me!

Eldest niece + Christmas present = not happening for being cheeky! Hmmm...I was looking forward to making something special ;)

My Mum, sister and two nieces drove me over to Arlington this morning for the second day of the Christmas Fair...and to collect the broken down car we left in the grounds overnight...which...would you believe it...worked perfectly for the mechanic when he arrived to repair it!!! No repair needed...

I met more great people again...people who already recognised my work from seeing it in the shop...and new is so satisfying to hear positive comments about my designs and work. It makes all the sewing into the late hours worthwhile!

I met a few people just starting out in business too. I hope I can help them as much as's less than six months since I was in their shoes and attended my first craft fair. Its scary stuff starting out...still is!

If any of my readers live in the Exeter area and/or know of any events that are in the area please could you let me know? Sometimes you only know these things by word of mouth.

Sweet Gardenia Rose...Hanging Hearts

In the's a sneak peak at my Christmas collections.

Christmas scented hearts.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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