Saturday 9 November 2013

A Sampler...part 3

I'm still busy sewing...

Yep, even on a Saturday night...I'm busy sewing away! One week today I'm attending another two day event. At Arlington Court, National Trust, again.

I've roped in Mr C to help me...tomorrow he's going to help me make some shelving for my stall...and paint them to match the rest of my display.

Another Sampler...the last one.

Unfortunately...just like yesterday's...there is no name or date so I don't know who stitched it. Hopefully though my Mum has forgotten I have I think this one...or the first of the three...would look great framed up for her Christmas present. Lucky for me she hasn't mastered the internet so she won't read this!

I wonder if it's been done by the same person though as the crown is the same design as the one on yesterday's Sampler.

I love the combination of and yellow. It works really well together...and why I love looking at other people's work as I wouldn't normally choose to use these colours...but I would now!

I like the traditional design too.

"To form the ... and raise the nobler part to mend the moral and to warm the heart, to trace the genial source we nature call and prove the God of nature friend of all".

Competition time...answers on a postcard please... What is the fourth word of the poem? I can't quite work it out...

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx


  1. Nina from Norway...

    And the answer is...taste! Maybe...

  2. Hmm...could be. Think that works well.

  3. Nina from Norway...

    Love hearing from you every morning. Hope you will continue with your challenge :)
