Thursday 21 November 2013

Tilda Inspired Table Mats...part 4

Mr C has been a star today...

...after dangling from a cliff this you do...doing rope rescue training in cold, wet and windy conditions...he sat and organised my photos for me. I have masses of them so it was quite a task!

A gold star to his best friend too...he made a special trip to get picture frames in the city where he works...and will bring them home tomorrow for me. I love living in Devon...but it's not always easy getting supplies...and when you need them!

Right...I need to finish a picture I'm working

Here's the fourth...and final...Tilda inspired Table Mat from the Sew Pretty Homestyle book.

Here's all four of them together...just in case you thought I'd shown the same picture for the past four days ;)

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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