Wednesday 6 November 2013

Roasted Garlic

A baking blog today...what can I say...the winter seems have set in and so has my winter appetite!

As soon as the weather gets cold I seem to want to eat all the time... plus I need a distraction from the mountain of ironing I'm working my way through...

I always order fresh garlic with my Local Farm Box.

I thought I would try roasting it. You just slice the top off the it on a baking tray...pour on some olive oil and sprinkle with salt.

Bake for about 40 minutes.

My recipe book suggested eating with fresh bread and goats cheese...which I would if I liked goats cheese... One of the few foods I don't like.

Instead I took off the outside skins...

...and made garlic mayonnaise. Hmm...hmmmm....lovely!

The garlic is a bit more caramelised than I oven is ferocious with it's temperature settings! Still tastes good though.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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