Saturday 2 November 2013

Sweet Gardenia Rose...Commission...part 2

Another great day at St Anne's Handmade event today...

More people saying they had just been looking at my collection in Furniture Magpie...more people asking if I'm going to start holding workshops...and people coming back tomorrow.

I also met a lovely couple who told me they had just bought one of my Furniture Magpie. They have bought it to put in their nursery...for their baby which is due in the next week. How exciting!

I got a visit from my friend and little Mr A...who presented me with a bouquet of leaves. He had picked them outside and told his Mummy he wanted to give them to me when he saw me at my stall. So cute!

And to finish the day...another visit from Miss M and Miss H...this time with my sister and fiance.

The friend who asked me to make a cushion for her Gran (see yesterday's blog), asked me to make the same cushion for her other Gran.'s my make of the day...the other cushion...for a great friend who is so lucky to have two Grans (I miss mine). Both in their 90s. Wow!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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