Saturday 30 November 2013

A Crocheted Tablecloth

When I attended the event yesterday in South Molton I had to use a white table cloth for the display.

As I was packing the cloths away at the end of the day I realised I hadn't used them for a long time.

When I cooked for friends I used to put the cloth on my dining room table...then cover it again with a cloth that my Grandma crocheted. The white of the cloth shows off the crochet work perfectly.

Then I realised...the table cloth deserves a blog post of it's own. I must have missed it when I was scouring my home...looking for handmade things to write about!

Here's a snapshot of the cloth. It's made with peach coloured silk.

I can't show you the cloth on my dining room that's in my bedroom right now. My home is upside down preparation for the events!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Friday 29 November 2013

Sweet Gardenia Rose...Draft Excluder

I've just got back from the Art Bazaar in South Molton.

Am very tired! But happy some of my favourite little birds found a new home today...

Sweet Gardenia Rose...Draft Excluder

I loved making this Draft the point where I wouldn't put it on my display to sell! It nearly went at the last event...then this time...sold...straight away!

Time for a cup of tea I think...and sleep...I need to be fresh as a daisy tomorrow...for a photo-shoot!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Thursday 28 November 2013

Hawaiian Burnt Offerings...part 2's what I've done with the material I showed you yesterday...once I finished unpicking it...

It's still a work in progress...but about half of it is now finished. being me...I've started cutting around the design as I was excited about seeing the finished work!

I decided to use the 'Revelation Burning' technique...(see Revelation Burning for more info and an example).

I wanted to capture and highlight some parts of the material's the flowers...

...the surfers...

...the swirls and curls...

...and the volcanoes.

You'll have to wait until after Christmas to see the finished project. Sorry!

If it helps...I want to see it finished too!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Hawaiian Burnt Offerings...part 1

Today's make is a project in progress...which is what I feel like...I'm...learning...learning...learning!

I saw this material when I was browsing on the internet.

I think it's fabulous!

Not knowing what project I would use it for I just bought 1/2 metre...then would decide afterwards how to make the most of all the different scenes...surfing...


...erupting volcanoes...and waterfalls...

...and more dancing.

Here's my first attempt at the project I decided on...

...or should I say...unpicking my first attempt...

This was actually going to be my first blog post...but then I go with one of my first ever projects.

I wrote it all the way back in October last year. took me 3 months before I got the courage to hit 'publish'!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Tuesday 26 November 2013

It's a Wrap!...part 2

It's the turn of the other wrap tonight...

...this time a black and white one...

with a bold print.

Apologies for the creases...I've been keeping both wraps in my airing cupboard. I really need to decide what to do with them. It would be great to wear them as sarongs...which is what they're for I guess...but the material would deteriorate in time. I think I'll hang them on the wall so they can be seen...when I decide where and how :)

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Monday 25 November 2013

It's a Wrap!...part 1

You know...I might just have to stop having friends around...

...they keep throwing their drinks all over my (white!) settee. Twice in one week... Though the first one was my fault as I left my drink lying around... that will teach me!

Still, worse things could happen at sea...

 ...which is where my Dad was when he bought this wrap...

...travelling around the South Pacific...with the Navy...just after I was born...

The wrap is from Tahiti...

...and is one of my precious possessions. That and the postcards he sent me from around the islands.

Happy Birthday Dad, you're always in my thoughts xx

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Sunday 24 November 2013

A Gingerbread House

I actually took the day off today...

...and went for a walk along the river with a friend. Walking and talking...putting the world to rights is always a good thing.

Then we went to a friends' for lunch...where we were spoiled with a buffet.

I've just got back from my Mum's...who gave me a lift home after tea (I've done pretty well on the food front today!)...and we've sat in the car outside my flat for the past hour talking and giggling like two little school now I can't type as I've got giggle shake! I can't even begin to explain what we were laughing at...

Instead...I'll show you the Gingerbread House my nieces made today.

I think two little people had a great time with the piping set!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Saturday 23 November 2013

A Rose of Red & White...part 2

A day spent with family and friends...absolutely perfect!

And an email from my friend to say he's back in the UK from Vietnam. And struggling with the cold weather! Me too to be honest. Yikes...its gone cold! I'm looking forward to meeting up with him and hearing all his latest news.

Before then...I've got another event...this time the South Molton Art Bazaar...on Friday. I want to get some more pictures finished...and Christmas put on my stall. Oh...and some sparkly lights. I want sparkly lights to make my stall look festive!

Here's the top half of the tapestry I'm working on that I showed you yesterday...

...and here's the bottom half.

Here's what it will look like when it's finished.

The design is in the Art Nouveau Cross Stitch book by Barbara Hammet. Worth a look...there's some great projects in there.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Friday 22 November 2013

A Rose of Red & White...part 1

It's been all about the pictures today...

...little ones...small ones...medium ones...and one large one...with a Christmas theme. Got to finish that one in a moment.

Then a few hanging decorations finished...and my frames arrived of Mr C's best friend. Lovely shiny silver frames!

In a A Reversible Fireguard! I showed you the tapestry my Grandma did for the fireguard my Great Grandad made....

Here's a picture of the tapestry I'm doing that will go in the back of the guard to make it reversible and show both of our work.

There isn't too much more to do it. That's what I tell myself anyway...just hours of filling in the gaps with gold thread...oh...and the face of the second lady. Best do that too!

Tomorrow I'll show you the bottom of the picture.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Thursday 21 November 2013

Tilda Inspired Table Mats...part 4

Mr C has been a star today...

...after dangling from a cliff this you do...doing rope rescue training in cold, wet and windy conditions...he sat and organised my photos for me. I have masses of them so it was quite a task!

A gold star to his best friend too...he made a special trip to get picture frames in the city where he works...and will bring them home tomorrow for me. I love living in Devon...but it's not always easy getting supplies...and when you need them!

Right...I need to finish a picture I'm working

Here's the fourth...and final...Tilda inspired Table Mat from the Sew Pretty Homestyle book.

Here's all four of them together...just in case you thought I'd shown the same picture for the past four days ;)

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Tilda Inspired Table Mats...part 3

My new stock is in Furniture Magpie...

I braved the wind and rain to get it there! And somehow came away with more work... How did that happen?

The horse cushions were such a success...sold straight away...that I've been asked to make some more.

Watch out for more pictures of horses...all different ones...and a retro Alice in Wonderland cushion cover too!

That will help me out with the 365 Day Challenge...I've had to put my own projects on hold as I'm busy preparing for the events I have lined up over the next few weeks. I was beginning to think the pictures of cups of tea I mentioned in my first blog may be a possibility!

Here's the third Tilda Inspired table mat I've made from the Sew Pretty Homestyle book.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Tilda Inspired Table Mats...part 2

You know my display I set up at home yesterday...all ready for my next event...

It has holes in it! Already!

I got a...great...text from Furniture Magpie to say...sales were made today of cushions and pictures...more stock is needed!

So...from tomorrow there will be new items from my collection available in the shop. Next week my Christmas collection will be available too.

Here's the second Tilda Inspired Table Mat I've made from the Sew Pretty Homestyle book.

I love this material...very classical.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Monday 18 November 2013

Tilda Inspired Table Mats...part 1

I've spent the day unpacking my display and products from the weekend's event...

...then setting it all up again in my front room...ready for the next event! I like to keep my display set up so I can see how my collection is growing.

I now need to get on and replace the products I sold at the weekend. I say replace...some were one-off pictures so I need to choose new materials and come up with some more designs.

It's all go...and only 47 days left to the end of the challenge! Although I will carry on blogging next year...just not at such an intense rate!'s a Tilda Inspired Table Mat. It's one of a set of four I've made.

Guess what the pictures are going to be for the next few days...

The pattern is in Tilda's Sew Pretty Homestyle book.

If you decide to make the table mats yourself...I would advise you use heat resistant wadding to protect your table from burn marks...

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Sunday 17 November 2013

Sweet Gardenia Rose...Hanging Hearts


My day started with me opening my front door to find a naughty little girl poking her tongue out at me!

Eldest niece + Christmas present = not happening for being cheeky! Hmmm...I was looking forward to making something special ;)

My Mum, sister and two nieces drove me over to Arlington this morning for the second day of the Christmas Fair...and to collect the broken down car we left in the grounds overnight...which...would you believe it...worked perfectly for the mechanic when he arrived to repair it!!! No repair needed...

I met more great people again...people who already recognised my work from seeing it in the shop...and new is so satisfying to hear positive comments about my designs and work. It makes all the sewing into the late hours worthwhile!

I met a few people just starting out in business too. I hope I can help them as much as's less than six months since I was in their shoes and attended my first craft fair. Its scary stuff starting out...still is!

If any of my readers live in the Exeter area and/or know of any events that are in the area please could you let me know? Sometimes you only know these things by word of mouth.

Sweet Gardenia Rose...Hanging Hearts

In the's a sneak peak at my Christmas collections.

Christmas scented hearts.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Saturday 16 November 2013

A Skirt...made shorter

Had a great day at the National Trust's Arlington Court Christmas Fair today...

As soon as I got out my car to unload it...I saw people I knew from previous events I've attended. It's great to start feeling part of the 'circuit'.

My stall is beginning to really take shape now...I even have some shelves that Mr C has made and painted for me.

There was a real buzz in the marquee...and it was a buzz to start making sales as soon as people started coming through the doors. My Christmas cards and stocking filler pictures are going down well.

At this point I guess I best say...a big THANK YOU to Natalie and the team at Arlington for helping my car broke down...just as I was driving back to the marquee to load my car up to go home...and I couldn't get any phone reception to call for help! They kindly helped me try to start my car (no luck!)...let me use their my products overnight so I can collect them tomorrow instead of taking them home...and wait with me until my family arrived...and supply me with a cup of tea!

My sister, Mum, and nieces came to take me home...via Mum's so we could all watch Strictly Come Dancing together. And, I was treated to takeaway by my sister. THANK YOU!

I bought this skirt years ago. I love the material...corduroy...but it was an unflattering length so I hardly ever wore it.

I'm not one to have clothes hanging in my wardrobe taking up space and not being've cut about 8 inches off the length to make it above the knee...and removed the split from the back. I now have a skirt I wear all the time. Result!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Friday 15 November 2013

Little Woolen Knits...

I'm just finishing some of my products...ready for the next event...

I'm at the National Trust's Arlington Christmas Fair for the next couple of days. There will be over 50 stalls in the marquee.

Think it's going to be cold so I'll need to wrap up warm...

My Mum knitted this hat for my Sindy doll...

and this pair of little pair of woolen knickers.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Thursday 14 November 2013

Norwegian Blue...Leftover...Sundress

The photos for yesterday's post are now uploaded! Blogger is behaving itself again. I've put them at the end of the post for you to see.

When I finished the dress my friend gave me the leftover material.

Enough to make my own sundress...

Not yet finished yet. Ahem!

Well...I have to have something to sew and write next year!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Norwegian Blue Sundress

Hmmm...Blogger is being mischievous...and not uploading my photos... Not via my laptop. Not via my phone. I guess that's an appropriate end to what's been an unexpectedly emotional day.

I took some time out today so Mr C and me could spend some time together...which we the cinema. All day!

We started with...actually...lets start with the adverts. Life of Pi. Yippee...I'll get to see it on the big screen after all. Every Wednesday morning. Cheaper viewing and a free coffee. Great deal! Worth swallowing your pride and going with the Old Age Pensioner title...the Silver Screen!

Next advert...The Impossible. A film I've wanted to watch for a while...even though I know it will be an emotional one. The tears started spilling down my face just watching the advert. You see...I sponsor a little girl...not so little now as she's 14. Her photo sits on a shelf above my desk in my studio. She lives in the Philippines. I'm very happy to say I received an email from Save the Children yesterday to say the area she lives in hasn't been affected by the Typhoon. All the thoughts and prayers are with her, her family and everyone else affected by the disaster. And of course...being the girl of a Fire Fighter...with the emergency services who provide support. In any circumstance.

The Great Gatsby kept me distracted for a couple of hours. Beautiful costumes!

We just about managed to see daylight as we ran across the road for lunch (mango and passion-fruit cheesecake!!) then ran back again for the next film. This time...Philomena. What a remarkable lady. I may have dabbed my eyes a few times... Even Mr C...the hardened Fire Fighter...was moved. Not quite to tears. Not far from I suspect...

Then we went back to the main desk to collect our 3D spectacles to watch...Gravity. Amazing special effects! No tears this time...just edge of your seat tension. I ducked at one part when debris started flying at us out the screen!

Then back home to do some sewing. This time to finish some of my birdie cushions. Which I'm pretty pleased with if I do say so myself! Gorgeous winter colours.

Well...I'll have to upload my photos tomorrow. They're of the dress I made for my friend in Norway. Who inspired me to sponsor a child in the first place.

Be safe, sleep well.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Here you go...the photos are uploading again...Blogger is behaving itself again...

The dress I made is the one on the left...

Beautifully modelled by Miss N of Norway herself!

Tuesday 12 November 2013

A Norwegian Quilt

On Sunday morning I received an email from my friend in Norway...

With the answer to the question I posted on A Sampler...part 3. I reckon its right! Check the comments on the blog and see what you think.

I asked her to send me a photo of a dress I had made for her...which I'll share with you tomorrow, as first I want to share her latest project with you...

I love this quilt! The contrast of the dark floral colours against the brightness of the colours on the white panel is striking. I love all the curves too.

I'm looking forward to seeing it on my next visit. Long overdue...

Right...I best go now...looking at the quilt is making my mind go into creative overdrive and I'm starting to think of new finish what I've started first.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Monday 11 November 2013

Horse Cushion.,,part 2

I'm in the middle of making Christmas a quick blog tonight...

Here's the second Horse Cushion I made for Furniture Magpie.

It's made from a pre-printed design.

I put an envelope back on it using grey material.

I saw the other one in the shop window the other day.  I looked great. I would have taken a was I was in a rush to get home and in the dry!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Sunday 10 November 2013

An Embroidered Table Cloth

Today's 'Make of the Day' called An Embroidered Table Cloth...

I know it's not really a table brain is full of cutting and sewing...which is how I've spent my day...and now the right description escapes me!

My Grandma did all the embroidery work.

It's beautiful work...and inspires me to be as good...and to master French knots!

I love the subtlety of the colours...and it has all my favourite flowers...

...poppies...appropriate for today...a day of remembrance...

 ...weeping willow...I love the curve of the tree...


...and a water bath overflowing with flowers.

A perfect English garden on a summer's day!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Saturday 9 November 2013

A Sampler...part 3

I'm still busy sewing...

Yep, even on a Saturday night...I'm busy sewing away! One week today I'm attending another two day event. At Arlington Court, National Trust, again.

I've roped in Mr C to help me...tomorrow he's going to help me make some shelving for my stall...and paint them to match the rest of my display.

Another Sampler...the last one.

Unfortunately...just like yesterday's...there is no name or date so I don't know who stitched it. Hopefully though my Mum has forgotten I have I think this one...or the first of the three...would look great framed up for her Christmas present. Lucky for me she hasn't mastered the internet so she won't read this!

I wonder if it's been done by the same person though as the crown is the same design as the one on yesterday's Sampler.

I love the combination of and yellow. It works really well together...and why I love looking at other people's work as I wouldn't normally choose to use these colours...but I would now!

I like the traditional design too.

"To form the ... and raise the nobler part to mend the moral and to warm the heart, to trace the genial source we nature call and prove the God of nature friend of all".

Competition time...answers on a postcard please... What is the fourth word of the poem? I can't quite work it out...

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx