Friday 25 October 2013

Primary Coloured Pockets

I had some lovely visitors today...

First my Mum phoned to say she's on her way down to see me...then my sister joined us...

They're both loving my Christmas Collection. Yay!

Then shortly after I received a visit from my best friend and her little boy...little Mister A...

...who turned up with a bunch of flowers for me.

Gerbias. My favourite!

That was an unexpected treat.

They were a thank you for making...

...four pockets, fully lined, made out of primary (and blue) coloured material.

They're for her child-minding business...Tracey's Tiddlers... Great name! I'm biased as I thought of it :) Fabulous business.

Photo to follow as I'm not going to attempt to explain what the pockets are for!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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