Friday 11 October 2013

A Quilt Cover with Embroidered Cutout Work...turned into a Quilt

Coffee with two good friends this afternoon...spent putting the world to rights...

It took a was nearly 7 'o' clock when we left! No wonder it was getting dark outside!!

Just what I needed. My head is clear. I have a plan in place with things I need to do. Always a good thing in my book!

Years ago I used to work for a family company that had a reward system where you were given vouchers to spend in a gift catalogue. I chose this quilt cover with embroidered cut out work. King size...and a king size job of ironing! was a mammoth task getting the quilt in every time I used it! I own up to trying the 'climbing in the cover to get the quilt in' method...and getting myself lost in there!!!

I decided on a is far too pretty to spend it's life in the airing cupboard hidden away. I turned it into a good old fashioned quilt.

I cut the cover down to edge of the pattern to make the quilt a more manageable size...used the back of the cover as backing material to the front of the cover to show off the cut-out work...used a low tog quilt I no longer used for filling...and sewed it all to a backing material. That's a very 'in a nutshell' description!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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