Monday 28 October 2013

Horse Cushion...part 1

Only three more sewing days left before my next event...

I'm going to be at Handmade at St Anne's in Barnstaple on Friday, Saturday and Sunday this I'm busy putting the finishing touches to my products.

More business cards and labels ordered...and a banner. Though I'm not sure how the banner will turn out as my logo may not be a high enough resolution for printing. I'm on a steep learning curve when it comes to these things!

When I went into the shop last week I was asked if I could turn this pre-printed picture of a horse on canvas into a cushion.

Always happy to help out...I squared the material off and gave it an envelope style back with some matching brown material...all neatly over-locked to finish it off.

Here's the finished cushion cover.

At least this horse can't's a long story...maybe another day...

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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