Tuesday 8 October 2013

Meme's Quilt...part 1

Yesterday I said my blog photos are a little out of sync...

Valentines Day photos in October...Christmas seems to be a weekly topic (mainly because my present making factory goes into overdrive this time of year)...

Well...it seems my diary is out of sync too... last week I turned up for an meeting...only to find it was actually meant to be for this week...so I turned up for the same planned meeting today...only to find...it's actually meant to be tomorrow! You can't knock a girl for trying to be ahead of the game!

When I was travelling around New Zealand with two friends we stumbled across a great Old Farm Barn converted into a sewing shop. Heaven!

I bought a few patterns. I wanted to get something I wouldn't be able to get back home. One was the Watering Can Sampler pattern. One for a work basket I still haven't started yet. My excuse is I haven't found the right basket...ahem! One my Mum has made...hmmm...I need to get a photo of it! The fourth one is this 'Crows Flowers' quilt by Meme's Quilts.

It's a work in progress...as are some of my other projects...despite my aim to start and finish a project one at a time...when the ideas start flowing and the mood is right I just go with it...sometimes ending up with one too many things to finish!

On the other side of the coin...I'm enjoying this project so much I'm quite happy for it to take longer to make. Plus...you may have noticed it looks slightly different from the original pattern.

It was suggested to me to separate the panels out...and decorate them with smaller flowers, leaves and hearts. All the preparation work has been done...except I seem to be one heart down...I just need to do the sewing!

However...I've sewn each panel using a Satin Stitch...not only does this use a HUGE amount of thread (I've had to buy in more from The States as it was the only place I could find the right colour thread!)...I now prefer to use Blanket Stitch.

I may speak very nicely to my Mum...who is a fabulous 'unpicker'...to see if she'll help me unpick some of the panels. First though...think I'll start with blanket stitching the smaller additional applique work and go from there. I'll be nearer to getting the quilt finished then. Yep...that is what I'm going to do! I like a plan!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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