Sunday 27 October 2013

A Medieval Herb Garden Bookmark

A lovely afternoon spent with my sister...who treated me to lunch...then helped me with my accounts...then I'm off to the cinema to watch Captain Philips with Mr C.

Yesterday my bookmark finished!

I only started it...hmm...lets not go into when I started it...but I suspect it wasn't this century...which is fitting as it's a Medieval Herb Garden bookmark.

I actually did all the cross-stitch as soon as I bought the kit. I loved stitching all the little fish in the pond with fountain and the bees.

It's just when it came to the back...the ribbon that had been supplied was too narrow so the instructions on how to finish it didn't make sense...

So last weekend...I finally...finally...hit upon the idea to back the bookmark with felt.

I may be biased...but I think it looks much better with a made to fit backing!

I finished it with a decorative embroidery stitch using a thread that would blend in neatly with the front of the bookmark.

Here it is in it's glorious finished state! Complete with tassel.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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