Saturday 12 October 2013

A Clasp Purse

A few pounds were put on today I think...

My friend came round for coffee...bringing with her some promised Mars Bar Rice Crispy cakes...coated with a layer of chocolate. A whole tub for me! There is none left...they were so yummy!

After a great conversation about Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers, Audrey Hepburn, and old fashioned Hollywood glamour...I gave her a sneak preview of my Christmas Collections...very positive feedback!!

Here's my make of the day...  A Clasp Purse.

Front view...

...and back view.

I lined the purse with a slate gray lining material.

I followed the instructions on guthrie & ghani's blog. I found they were the easiest to follow out of all the instructions I looked at.

Click here to check out their blog... guthrie & ghani

I used a clasp that you need to sew the purse into. Not the easiest thing to do...although once you've got into a rhythm it becomes easier.

Although...the metal tends to cut the thread... So I sewed the material into place using a normal thread then sewed again using a stronger thread. It gives a nice finish too.

I'm pretty pleased with how it's turned out...not bad for a first attempt!

It's a present for one of my friends...I hope she likes it!

If not...I know someone who does ;)

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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