Wednesday 23 October 2013

A Bird Doorstop

As I sit here thinking of what to write...and thinking I will start writing about working from the shop today...doing lots of prep for my Christmas Collection...I've just realised that...

I forgot to take a picture of Furniture Magpie's window display...with my products in it!

I remembered as I walked into the shop I said in my blog yesterday...I would post a photo...then got so caught up in what I was doing...that the thought flew out my head!

There's no chance this bird will be flying off anywhere he's full of sand.

My Mum wanted a doorstop so I made this one for her. He's certainly heavy enough to prop the door open...but...well...his shape could do with a little improvement... She likes it so I guess that's what matters :)

I'm popping into the shop tomorrow with more stock. I'll remember to take a photo this time!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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