Saturday 19 October 2013

Clothes fit for an Angel...part 1

Some of my projects take more time to make than others...

The Angel in A Garden Angel is one of them. I loved every moment of making her...and she is very much loved by my friend who I gave her to.

She's actually back staying with me for a while. I've been asked to add a loop to the back of jacket so she can hang on the wall.

She's got a little too comfortable where she is though... perched upon my ribbon holder.

I really should just get on and finish making my own of my unfinished projects. The number is getting less. I finished two more projects today!

Here's the trousers for my Angel.

Made out with material my Mum's best friend gave me as a teenager. I initially made cushions with the material. One of my first projects. I've decided to use the material for other projects. Always up-cycling!

I've also made the skirt...edged with navy blue ribbon...and the apron...with a little pink patch.

Now I just need to decide what colour jacket she should have...
and make the lady herself!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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