Friday 4 October 2013

A Quilt of T-Shirt Memories

A project...still in progress...for you today...

Quite a bit of work has gone into it already...I thought by sharing it with you it may inspire me to get it finished!

When my sister and me were children, family and friends would often buy us t-shirts as gifts from their holiday travels. We collected quite a few from around the world. Though right now I can only think of two...London...with a glittery picture...and Dubrovnik...with a stenciled map.

Then we grew out of them! Off the t-shirts went on their travels again...this time to younger cousins.

When my nieces were born I started doing the same for them...buying t-shirts when I went on holiday. Then they grew out of them!

I bought t-shirts for me too...unfortunately I grew out of mine too... except the ones I was given for running...they all seemed to be extra extra large.

What to do with all these t-shirts...tucked longer being worn?

American TV junkie that I am...I saw an episode of 'Rules of Engagement'...where Audrey had all of Geoff's old t-shirts made into a quilt. Great idea!

So far...I've cut down the t-shirts into squares and over-locked them onto backing material. I've even bought the wadding for the quilt.

I just need to find some material that works with the t-shirts and shows them all my happy memories stand out!

Have a happy weekend everyone!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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