Sunday 13 October 2013

A Gingerbread Father Christmas

Life seems to have revolved around food this weekend...

Food and sewing...what a great mix! After demolishing the tub of Mars Bar Rice Crispy cakes yesterday...not without help I might add...I've just been out for a meal with Mr C.

After my main course I told the waiter I wouldn't need to eat for a week...then he brought over the dessert menu... Well, it would have been rude not to have indulged when Mr C was eating dessert!

On the sewing side...I've sewn more of my Christmas collection. Early start tomorrow to get more sewing done...and some photos of my work!

Keeping to the food theme...

I found this old photo of a Gingerbread Father Christmas I made when I was at university. My flat all made a Christmas meal together. All eleven of us! This was...part contribution.

The fur on his hat, jacket and boot tops is desiccated coconut...his eyes and belt buckle are chocolate buttons...his nose and lips are a glace cherry...and his sack is made out of marzipan.

I've just realised...that was twenty years ago! Yikes! yikes... yikes... Think I need to go lie down in a dark room... How did that happen???

Still...I got mistaken for someone in their late twenties the other week! Feel better now...much better :)

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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