Thursday 31 October 2013

A Halloween Pumpkin

It's all systems go! Still...

I'm just putting the finishing touches to some of my pictures before framing them...then I should be all set for the event tomorrow!

For my local readers...Handmade St Anne's...on Patrenostre Row, next to St Paul's Church in the town centre by Butchers Row. Its on Friday (10.30am to 5pm), Saturday (10.30am to 5pm) and Sunday (12.30 to 4pm). Come along and say Hello! Hey Jules! will be there with her beautiful jewellery too.

I've decided to enter into the 'spirit' of Halloween and show you my Pumpkin costume as my make of the day.

I made it for a Halloween party I held at my home years ago. Its made out of an old quilted bed valance I found in a charity shop. Nylon. Lovely stuff!

To give the roundness...I stuffed the costume with cushions. Perfect padding! I finished off the look with green tights and a little green hat.

Happy Halloween everyone!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Wednesday 30 October 2013

A Little Girl Dungarees

One whole day left for sewing...and counting...before my next event!

I'm going to spend the rest of the evening putting the finishing touches to my products...putting labels on Christmas Cards and on picture frames.

Not that there's much of the evening left...eek...where does the time go?

Today's make of the day is for my youngest niece...little Miss H.

This is the Little Girl Mouse from my A Family of Mice blog in January.

She is wearing denim dungarees with handmade red buttons, a floral top, and has a little tinkly bell on the end of her pointed hat.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Tuesday 29 October 2013

A Little Girl a Dress

Where has the day gone???

I'm still sewing away...getting ready for the Handmade event at St Anne's Chapel on Friday...

I've even resorted to writing my blog...with my laptop on the ironing board...with the iron on! Right now it's the only space available! What with material needing cutting...material cut...products finished...products needing the finishing touches such as hand-sewing... I need some more space!

I guess that will happen on Friday when I'm at my stall with my collection...and my sewing room is empty!

When I started my blog...and the 365 day challenge...I gave away a few projects under one heading. A Family of Mice was one of them.

As I'm so busy...and there's not a chance I could get my head around going through photos...I'm re-visiting this one...needs must!

So, my make of the day is the Little Girl a dress. In honor of my eldest niece...Miss M...who gave me a surprise visit today with my Mum...and sat and organised some of my recipe books. Thank you!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Monday 28 October 2013

Horse Cushion...part 1

Only three more sewing days left before my next event...

I'm going to be at Handmade at St Anne's in Barnstaple on Friday, Saturday and Sunday this I'm busy putting the finishing touches to my products.

More business cards and labels ordered...and a banner. Though I'm not sure how the banner will turn out as my logo may not be a high enough resolution for printing. I'm on a steep learning curve when it comes to these things!

When I went into the shop last week I was asked if I could turn this pre-printed picture of a horse on canvas into a cushion.

Always happy to help out...I squared the material off and gave it an envelope style back with some matching brown material...all neatly over-locked to finish it off.

Here's the finished cushion cover.

At least this horse can't's a long story...maybe another day...

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Sunday 27 October 2013

A Medieval Herb Garden Bookmark

A lovely afternoon spent with my sister...who treated me to lunch...then helped me with my accounts...then I'm off to the cinema to watch Captain Philips with Mr C.

Yesterday my bookmark finished!

I only started it...hmm...lets not go into when I started it...but I suspect it wasn't this century...which is fitting as it's a Medieval Herb Garden bookmark.

I actually did all the cross-stitch as soon as I bought the kit. I loved stitching all the little fish in the pond with fountain and the bees.

It's just when it came to the back...the ribbon that had been supplied was too narrow so the instructions on how to finish it didn't make sense...

So last weekend...I finally...finally...hit upon the idea to back the bookmark with felt.

I may be biased...but I think it looks much better with a made to fit backing!

I finished it with a decorative embroidery stitch using a thread that would blend in neatly with the front of the bookmark.

Here it is in it's glorious finished state! Complete with tassel.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Saturday 26 October 2013

A Loop to let an Angel Fly...

A small blog...for a small project...

My friend asked for a loop be added to the back of her Garden Angel.

She wants her to hang on the wall rather than stand on the shelf.

Here's the loop...

...and here it is being tried out for the first time!

When she was collected yesterday...I got asked to make another one... I guess I best get a wriggle on and finish my other projects!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Friday 25 October 2013

Primary Coloured Pockets

I had some lovely visitors today...

First my Mum phoned to say she's on her way down to see me...then my sister joined us...

They're both loving my Christmas Collection. Yay!

Then shortly after I received a visit from my best friend and her little boy...little Mister A...

...who turned up with a bunch of flowers for me.

Gerbias. My favourite!

That was an unexpected treat.

They were a thank you for making...

...four pockets, fully lined, made out of primary (and blue) coloured material.

They're for her child-minding business...Tracey's Tiddlers... Great name! I'm biased as I thought of it :) Fabulous business.

Photo to follow as I'm not going to attempt to explain what the pockets are for!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Thursday 24 October 2013

A Little Tilda Birdie...part 1

Here's my make of the day...

Another Little Birdie from Tilda's 'Sew Pretty Christmas Homestyle' book.

Photographed on a dark background...

...and then on a light background so you can have a sneak peak of it's beak!

Sweet Gardenia Rose Collection
at Furniture Magpie's the promised picture of Furniture Magpie...

Sweet Gardenia Rose in Window Display
at Furniture Magpie

...with some of my Sweet Gardenia Rose collection in the window display.

I've dropped some more stock off today... so watch this space for the next window display!

Tomorrow...a picture of the promotional poster I received in the post today for one of the events I'm attending next month...with three pictures of my products!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Wednesday 23 October 2013

A Bird Doorstop

As I sit here thinking of what to write...and thinking I will start writing about working from the shop today...doing lots of prep for my Christmas Collection...I've just realised that...

I forgot to take a picture of Furniture Magpie's window display...with my products in it!

I remembered as I walked into the shop I said in my blog yesterday...I would post a photo...then got so caught up in what I was doing...that the thought flew out my head!

There's no chance this bird will be flying off anywhere he's full of sand.

My Mum wanted a doorstop so I made this one for her. He's certainly heavy enough to prop the door open...but...well...his shape could do with a little improvement... She likes it so I guess that's what matters :)

I'm popping into the shop tomorrow with more stock. I'll remember to take a photo this time!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Patchwork Jeans

I've just got back from a lovely evening walk with Mr C...

We went along the river and all around the town centre...with me having a lesson on meteorology and local history from Mr C...the man is a fountain of knowledge!

Then we walked past Furniture see my products in the window display. They look great.

I'm working from the shop tomorrow so I'll take a picture and show you the display.

Another project that needs the finishing touch (a bit like me at the moment after suffering with a migraine for the past few days. Bleurgh!).

I chose materials left from other projects that I thing work well together.

A bit of patchwork this time...I've completed most of it...I just need to re-do the top far right edge as the squares are slightly out of line...then sew the right edge on.

A close up...I'm quite pleased with how this has turned out as I designed it myself. It was one of those moments where I just got the pen and paper out...drew...chose my material...and got cutting and sewing!

Once I've done my re-working I'm going to sew a border using denim and then do some embroidery work on the border using my hand-made buttons for decoration.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Monday 21 October 2013

Clothes fit for an Angel...part 3

Last of the Angel clothing blogs...until I get the Angels made...

This time green trousers with a floral pattern...

...with a lighter green skirt to go over the top...edged with a white ribbon.

I need to sew a patch on the apron...

...and sew the jacket together. Though I think I need to choose a different colour. The green doesn't match...and anyway it would be just a little too much green clothing...even if she is a Garden Angel!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Sunday 20 October 2013

Clothes fit for an Angel...part 2

Another project nearly finished...

I have never seen anything so odd looking... you will have to wait to see it for yourself to see what I mean!!

I will make my excuse now and say the instructions are not that great ;)

In the meantime... another set of clothes for an Angel.

I have a production line of four in the making...

To go with this one's navy blue trousers, I've made a blue floral patterned skirt with brown ribbon edging.

The apron needs a patch adding to it...

...and I need to make the jacket. Think I'll give this Angel a yellow jacket...and the one I wrote about yesterday will get the pink.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Saturday 19 October 2013

Clothes fit for an Angel...part 1

Some of my projects take more time to make than others...

The Angel in A Garden Angel is one of them. I loved every moment of making her...and she is very much loved by my friend who I gave her to.

She's actually back staying with me for a while. I've been asked to add a loop to the back of jacket so she can hang on the wall.

She's got a little too comfortable where she is though... perched upon my ribbon holder.

I really should just get on and finish making my own of my unfinished projects. The number is getting less. I finished two more projects today!

Here's the trousers for my Angel.

Made out with material my Mum's best friend gave me as a teenager. I initially made cushions with the material. One of my first projects. I've decided to use the material for other projects. Always up-cycling!

I've also made the skirt...edged with navy blue ribbon...and the apron...with a little pink patch.

Now I just need to decide what colour jacket she should have...
and make the lady herself!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Friday 18 October 2013

A Pretty Floral Summer Dress

I guess it's been a long

I've been sat staring at the screen for a while...searching for words. Blimey...that's not like me!! I normally find too many.

So...I'll just go with...

Here's my make of the day...a Pretty Floral Summer Dress.

The sleeves are edged with bias binding...

...and metal buttons with a cut-away design finish the dress perfectly.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Thursday 17 October 2013

Cross Stitch Gift Tags...part 3

I had a lovely time at my friend's home last night...

I managed to finish a few hand-sewn projects...very small ones. Somehow...I also came away with a project to do for my friend!

Here's the third Cross Stitch Gift Tag that I've made.

I really enjoyed making this one. A little robin sat on a very pretty bird house.

At some point I need to finish the other three tags... The fourth one is started at least.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Cross Stitch Gift Tags...part 2

One Christmas Card collection is complete! And another two pictures finished.

I just need to get them all photographed's hoping the light is better than it was today. It was so dark!

Here's the second Cross Stitch Gift Tag I've completed...

A Christmas Tree.

Right...I'm off to my friend's house for an evening of catch up and hand sewing!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Cross Stitch Gift Tags...part 1

I'm still busy it's a quick blog tonight...

My Mum has a habit of giving me more projects to do when I visit her.

Much more and I'll have enough to do another 365 day challenge!

This one came with CrossStitcher magazine as a free gift.

Here's the first one I completed...with holly and berries.

Right...back to sewing for another hour or two!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Monday 14 October 2013

Vegetable Hot-Pot with Cheese Triangles

Every few weeks my Local Farm Box arrives...

It's like Christmas when all the goodies arrive...or should I say Harvest Festival! I've even been given a free sack of potatoes with my last few orders... so I've been coming up with one hundred and one recipes with potatoes in them!

Today's recipe...Vegetable Hot-Pot with Cheese Triangles...from the Complete Vegetarian Cookbook (published by Ted Smart).

It is delicious! Onions, garlic, chili flakes, herbs...fry in olive oil...add potatoes, carrots and celery...fry...add flour...fry...add vegetable stock...then bake in the oven.

While the vegetables are baking...make cheese and herb scones. I used a local cheese with herbs. Add salt and pepper. Roll out. Cut into triangles. Brush with milk.

When the vegetables are soft...take out of scones on top...sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake until scones are cooked and cheese melted. I was so engrossed with my sewing that I left it in the oven a little too long...

I made a few alterations to the recipe...I used chili flakes instead of powder...used oregano instead of thyme...added extra cheese to the scone mix...and used chickpeas instead of kidney beans.

Guess what I have for tea tomorrow! Probably for the next night too!

And for dessert...I delved into a bowlful of sequins and use to embellish my pictures!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Sunday 13 October 2013

A Gingerbread Father Christmas

Life seems to have revolved around food this weekend...

Food and sewing...what a great mix! After demolishing the tub of Mars Bar Rice Crispy cakes yesterday...not without help I might add...I've just been out for a meal with Mr C.

After my main course I told the waiter I wouldn't need to eat for a week...then he brought over the dessert menu... Well, it would have been rude not to have indulged when Mr C was eating dessert!

On the sewing side...I've sewn more of my Christmas collection. Early start tomorrow to get more sewing done...and some photos of my work!

Keeping to the food theme...

I found this old photo of a Gingerbread Father Christmas I made when I was at university. My flat all made a Christmas meal together. All eleven of us! This was...part contribution.

The fur on his hat, jacket and boot tops is desiccated coconut...his eyes and belt buckle are chocolate buttons...his nose and lips are a glace cherry...and his sack is made out of marzipan.

I've just realised...that was twenty years ago! Yikes! yikes... yikes... Think I need to go lie down in a dark room... How did that happen???

Still...I got mistaken for someone in their late twenties the other week! Feel better now...much better :)

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Saturday 12 October 2013

A Clasp Purse

A few pounds were put on today I think...

My friend came round for coffee...bringing with her some promised Mars Bar Rice Crispy cakes...coated with a layer of chocolate. A whole tub for me! There is none left...they were so yummy!

After a great conversation about Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers, Audrey Hepburn, and old fashioned Hollywood glamour...I gave her a sneak preview of my Christmas Collections...very positive feedback!!

Here's my make of the day...  A Clasp Purse.

Front view...

...and back view.

I lined the purse with a slate gray lining material.

I followed the instructions on guthrie & ghani's blog. I found they were the easiest to follow out of all the instructions I looked at.

Click here to check out their blog... guthrie & ghani

I used a clasp that you need to sew the purse into. Not the easiest thing to do...although once you've got into a rhythm it becomes easier.

Although...the metal tends to cut the thread... So I sewed the material into place using a normal thread then sewed again using a stronger thread. It gives a nice finish too.

I'm pretty pleased with how it's turned out...not bad for a first attempt!

It's a present for one of my friends...I hope she likes it!

If not...I know someone who does ;)

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx