Thursday 1 August 2013

Handmade Holiday Memories...part 3

Another productive day...getting ready for the festivals. friend came to visit...and then another friend...then Mr C came home...then my friend's husband. At one point I was on my sewing machine...sewing away...and they were all in my front room...working away...helping me out with preparations. It was a truly blissful I am blessed kind of moment.

Wanting the moment to continue I suggested we eat out we did...and we've just got back from a lovely evening together...after meeting up with my friend's husband and their two friends after they had finished surfing.

So...although my day was evening wasn't as productive as planned...but then I wouldn't swap it. It's an early start tomorrow to make up for it!

Here's a handmade plate I bought in St Lucia.

It was well wrapped up for its journey home!

It was another spur of the moment decisions to go away.

Friends from work were going to see the Cricket World Cup. One pulled out so I was asked if I would like to go in her place. I'm not a cricket fan...but I knew I wouldn't get the offer to go again so jumped at the chance.

Here's the palm had to be taken!

And the boat shot.

If it's any consolation...I was sat in the shade when I took this photo...being eaten alive by mosquitoes!

Here's the England team doing their warm up run before the match.

Warm up practice game...

And a couple of close ups of the players...

I got a bit carried away with my zoom don't want to know how many close ups I took!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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