Wednesday 7 August 2013

Birds & Hearts in a Tree

I've got so much to tell you about the North Devon Show...

It's been a great day...I've met loads of lovely people...and some good business contacts.

For now though...that's as much as I can tell you...otherwise I'll be falling asleep at my laptop! It was an early start...and a long day on my feet. Oh my legs ache!!

I'm going to have a well deserved day off tomorrow...just sleeping and resting. Bliss!

Here's my make of the day...

I bought this Tilda tree...and decorated it with coloured photocopies of her bird featured in her 'Tilda's Studio' book.

Here it is on my sewing table.

I tied the pictures to the branches using different coloured ribbons.

It took a long...long...time to cut around those birds!

Now I've started the business I need to find ways of displaying my products on the stalls...without incurring too much additional I would prefer to invest my I make use of the things I already have.

I now use the tree to display my scented Hanging Hearts.

Here it is sat behind a decorative bird cage I used as a box for my Free Prize Draw entrants details.

I going to draw the winner on Friday!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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