Tuesday 27 August 2013

One Little Red Slipper...

I've spent the day with my Mum and two nieces doing some errands and having a coffee before we all went to the park to meet up with my sister.

Blissful day spent in the sunshine...then I'm off to the cinema with Mr C to watch the late film.

I've also been busy thinking about what designs I'm going to do for Christmas. Am excited about getting back on my sewing machine and seeing my ideas come to life!

Here's the first little red slipper I made my nieces. I asked them to try it on to see if it fitted okay.

Hmmm...too small for both of them so it was back to the drawing board to enlarge the pattern for both of them!

At some point I must make the other slipper so at least its part of a matching pair!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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