Friday 9 August 2013

A Devilish Costume

Hmm...did I say something about starting today feeling refreshed? I still feel the effects of working flat out for two large events...

So I'm meeting up with a couple of good friends...and we're going to have a catch up and planning session. Oh, and a coastal coffee. How lovely does that sound? A coffee in a coastal town...and maybe a walk along the beach. Just what I need to revive me!

The Simplicity 9309 pattern that I used for the Angelic Costume I talked about yesterday...I also used to make to my friend a devil costume.

I made her a short reversible black and red cape with collar and ribbon tie.

And I made her a little red bag to go with the costume. Trimmed with black feathers and red ribbon handles.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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