Sunday 11 August 2013

Handmade Buttons

Keeping with the theme of finding handmade things in my home...

I was searching through my button box and found these handmade wooden buttons.

A bird box...a Christmas themed bird box...and Rudolph.

Rudolph looks a little like the reindeer in A Rocking Reindeer.

I bought them at the annual Stitch, Sew & Hobbycraft show at Westpoint in Exeter.

I could have happily spent hundreds there. Instead I limited myself to £10. It's amazing how a limit on spending can focus your mind to what you really want and need! I bought these buttons...reels of ribbons (end of line, discounted) and a bundle of hand-dyed felt. I surprised myself at my self-restraint!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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