Tuesday 20 August 2013

A Doorstop

I'm back after a few days away with Mr C!

He took me to Berlin as a birthday treat. Wow, what a great city! We've always gone somewhere with a view to not going back...there are so many places to visit...so we do and see as much as we can on any holiday. We want to go back though!

I visited the Pergamon Museum as I wanted to see the Gates of Babylon. Once I've edited my photos of some of the tapestries and carpets I'll post them on my blog.

Sweet Gardenia Rose...Doorstop

Here's my make of the day...

A doorstop. One from my Sweet Gardenia Rose collection.

The material matches one of the square cushions with four chirpy little birds for those of you who like matching soft home furnishings. Including me!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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