Monday 12 August 2013

An Animal of a Birthday Cake!

It's my youngest niece's birthday today!

Last year my eldest niece asked if we could make her a birthday cake.

She absolutely loves Animal from The Muppet Show.

So...of course...Animal simply had to be the main theme.

She also loves her two toys Doggie & Duckie...who share her birthday.

We made chocolate ducks...with little patches of grass and flowers...dogs with yellow ears...shells to add to her collection...and small skulls for her other love...Monster High.

We put Animal on the top of the cake...

...which we made to look like a drum with blue stars on the panels.

I don't think a career in cake making is on the cards...though I'm very happy with the Animal...but we had great fun making it!

Happy Birthday Little Miss H! 8!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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