Sunday 4 August 2013

A Santa bearing Gifts!

I know that may be an odd choice for a blog title in the middle of Summer...but today has felt like Christmas!

Another day of meeting people...making sales...getting more positive comments about my has really made me feel my business is taking off.

Now I've got a day and a half to finish getting ready for the North Devon Show!

So...this is where I've spent the last two a marquee.

My stall was at the back...right in the centre.

In the beautiful surroundings of Castle Hill Gardens...for their Vintage Car Festival.

It's the first year they have held it in the grounds.

You can see why its one of my favourite places.

Check out my wellies! Still...the rain brought people into the marquee...and to my stall.

I couldn't get any photos of the vintage cars...

...but I managed to get this one of the Top Gear simulator...with the marquee just behind it.

I'm going to be dreaming the theme tune to the program...after hearing all day long...for 2 days...

Here's my make of the Santa bearing Gifts.

He's from a Tilda kit.

He's holding a line with a dove...a heart...and a stocking with an 'N' for Noel embroidered on it...all pegged onto the line.

And wearing the dinkiest of pair of boots.

They're much cleaner than my wellies are right now!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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