Tuesday 13 August 2013

Focaccia Sake!

Five days after the last event...and I still don't seem to have got back into action.

When I got back from the North Devon show Mr C very kindly unpacked my car and put everything in the corner of my front room...very tidily...so I could get on with writing my blog. There was definitely no time to write at 5 am in the morning before I left for the show! Since then everything has sat there...waiting to be put away properly.

I think I put so much energy into getting ready for the 2 events...that I've just ground to a halt...and it's felt like I need to climb a mountain to get back up again...added to that is a lovely pile of washing and ironing. Both of those could claim the title of mountains too!

So...if you are thinking of setting up a business from home...just know that its not so easy to keep work life boundaries...you need a proper working space...lots of energy...need to keep the momentum going (which is maybe where I went wrong...I lost momentum)...and forget about having a tidy home!

I often make my own bread...I love the smell of fresh bread wafting round my home.

I decided to make Focaccia. From a packet for my bread maker.

I normally have great success...at least with the cheese and onion packets...when I can find them. Must be popular!

This time though...oh dear...maybe I should have just mixed the dough in the bread maker then baked it in the oven??

Onward and upwards! I'm sure once I have my home back in order everything will be much better :)

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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