Friday 9 August 2013

An Angelic Costume

I've had a lovely day off today...

Loads of telephone calls from friends, friends popping in to see how I got on at the show yesterday, and great messages on my personal and business Facebook pages. I feel incredibly lucky to have so much support.

My batteries are recharged and I'm excited about taking the next steps in my business...contacting people I met at the show yesterday and picking the name of my 'Free Prize Draw' winner out the box. 

A customer is dropping by to collect a cushion he is buying as a gift to celebrate  his friend's wedding. The birds and heart design are perfect...two birds in love. I'm giving him the task of picking the winner!

Here's my make of the day...

Years ago I went out with friends to celebrate New Years Eve.

We went to Bideford.

The streets and quayside was heaving with people in fancy dress. It was an amazing sight and great atmosphere.

I decided to go as an angel.

I used the Simplicity 8309 pattern.

It has a simple slip dress and sheer over dress with tie front and long tapered sleeves.

I finished the costume with wings, tiara, little pink bag...and a wand. All now in my nieces' dressing up box...which I put together for them one year as a Christmas present. I had great fun trawling through charity shops with friends looking for dressing up pompoms...hats..the works! 

My eldest niece and me adapted the angel pattern to make her Tudor Costume. We used the top of the slip dress pattern to make the top. For the jacket we removed the front panel and just had one panel on the back rather than two panels and a zip.

Great memories all round!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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