Friday 16 August 2013

Sweet Gardenia Rose...North Devon Show...Table Display

While I'm away for a few days I'd thought share some of my latest photos with you...

Sweet Gardenia Rose...North Devon Show 2013

My make of the day stall at the North Devon Show last week.

There were 15 new businesses in one marquee...not a lot of room for a display!

I'm tucked in between Hey Jules! (beautiful jewellery...check it out!) and Furniture Magpie (great name for an up-cycling furniture store).

When I did my first event...just over 2 months ago...I only had cushions and draft excluders to sell. Now I feel I really have a shop with a range of products. I just need to get all my products for sale in my Etsy Shop. I'm working on doing that at the beginning of September, once my next event is finished.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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