Wednesday 31 July 2013

Handmade Holiday Memories...part 2

I'm still sewing away in my sewing room...getting ready for the festival this weekend. Making good progress!

On with my travels...

Two years after my visit to Venice...I returned...with three friends who I met in Italy on the tour to Sorrento and Almafi Coast that I mentioned yesterday.

We've stayed in contact...though I'm a bit hit and miss on my contact...and have been on holiday a couple of times since and met up in London a few times too.

When we arrived we couldn't find the I went into a bar to ask for directions...and was very happy to find my Italian was good enough for me to understand the man saying he needed to get his glasses so he could show me the hotel on the map!

When we visited Murano I managed to find the same little shop that I bought the tap statue from. This time I bought 3 little fish.

I've stuck them to the front of the cabinet where I keep the tap...and made them look like they are swimming along in water.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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