Thursday 4 July 2013

A Ceramic Frog Plaque...part 2

Another amazing day!

This morning's 2 hour workshop on building a website was so useful...some great ideas came out of it on style and content. I've made a good I need to build on it.

The session with the photographer was great...loads of photos taken...and I'm looking forward to getting them next week. Sometimes it pays to invest in some help...and not feel you have to do things all yourself. The dividends...great photos...a professional looking shop and website...more ideas...another business contact...and friend...and we're going to link our sites up. It's a win win situation...all in 2 hours!

Then I had 2 lovely visitors...Mr C's Mum and sister...we had a sit outside in the sunshine to catch up.

2 is definitely the magic number today!

Sticking to that sheer are 2 frogs.

They're painted onto a ceramic in A Ceramic Frog Plaque.

Same design...different number...different colours.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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