Sunday 7 July 2013

A Vision Board that Works!

What a day!

Aside from the small fact that Andy Murray won Wimbledon, the first man to do so for 77 years...

I've finished my Facebook page...and updated my Twitter logo. Now I'm just waiting for my website host to do some technical magic...the photos to come back from the photographer so I can add them to all my sites...list my products in the shop...and...wait for it...LAUNCH!

Here's a noticeboard I made... covering a cork pin-board with material then stapling it, and lace at regular intervals, to the back of the board.

It took some muscle with a heavy duty stapler!

I used it to display photos of things I've made. To remind me I do finish things! I had that many projects on the go I used to wonder...

Since writing my blog it's turned into a vision board. Now I just need to make one for my shop.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

p.s. for those of you who noticed there was no blog yesterday...and didn't receive my email yesterday...sorry. I did write one. I also published it. I am determined to meet the 365 day challenge! For some reason it didn't publish...and I was so tired after the craft fair...where I wrote my blog on the phone app...that I was fast asleep before the email would normally I didn't notice my phone not pinging. It was only when I checked the blog URL this afternoon that I saw there was something not quite right... It took a bit of sorting...but sort it I did!

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